Luiano is an ancient fort, built in the late middle ages, that spans 40 hectares in the Chianti Classico appellation of Tuscany, Italy, just 10 miles south of Florence. Since it was erected, Luiano has belonged to several of the most important, noble families of Florence, renowned for its abilities to produce superb wine.
From these memories, Zin 91 was born. The Opici family created this exceptional Zinfandel as a tribute to the leader and spirit behind Opici Wines. Now 97, Hubert Opici believes that Zinfandel epitomizes the spirit of great American winemaking and is proud to produce one that exemplifies Opici Wines’ high standards for quality and value.
Totara. Totara is a joint-venture between Opici Wines and Endeavour Vineyards of Marlborough, New Zealand. Our two companies came together in order to create award-winning wines with unsurpassed quality, packaging, and value exclusively for the US market. In New Zealand, the Totara tree is a celebrated and revered part of the country’s history.
“For nearly a century, the Opici name on a bottle of wine has stood for high quality, consistency, and value. We prided ourselves on a commitment to building relationships with our customers, suppliers, and employees based on trust and common purpose.
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Contact Us. We would love to hear from you! Opici Wines 25 DeBoer Drive Glen Rock, NJ 07452 201 689 3256 email:
Meletti. This art of distillation, along with original recipes, have been passed down through generations of Melettis and are the foundation of the family’s portfolio today. Most ingredients, including the anise and other natural herbs and botanicals, are sourced from local Le Marche growers who work exclusively with Meletti.
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