kunde - Wiktionary
Etymologie slova kunda je tedy neurčitá, na druhé straně se ukazuje jakási pra-evropská univerzálnost tohoto slova odkazující k archetypu ženského lůna jakožto něčeho skrytého, co dává zrod.
kunďák – Wikislovník
Bantaba in Cyberspace - Is an online community forum where Gambians and friends of Gambia express their views. Enlightenment, Diversity, Tolerance and sharing is the guiding line in order to cultivate a lasting democratic culture. Here community members choose to participate freely in the forums they are interested in.
Urban Dictionary: Kunda
etymologie Patrně z latinského cunnus („žena“, vulgárně „vulva“, resp. ženské pubické ochlupení), nejspíše přes středohornoněmecké kunt (ženský pohlavní orgán).
KUNDA : Étymologie, signification, origine, caractère et
kunda etymologieKunda translates to a "winner" In the Zimbabwean language of Shona. A person given this name is usually referred to one who will always come out on top. He is such a Kunda.
Grafologie a Psychologie: Výzkum na téma vulgarismy v ČR
kunda etymologieOct 24, 2019 · From German Kunde. Noun . kunde m (definite singular kunden, indefinite plural kunder, definite plural kundene) a customer kunden har alltid rett - the customer is always right; Derived terms . kundetilfredshet; References “kunde” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
Kunda – velký jazykový a významový rozbor oblíbeného slova
Acharya Kundakunda belonged to the Mula Sangh order of Digambara sect. He is said to have flourished around second century CE. For Digambaras, his name has auspicious significance and occupies third place after Lord Mahavira and Gautama Ganadhara in the sacred litany. Kundakunda's singular contribution consists in his compiling a number of liturgical tracts and creating several masterly doctrinal works of his own, which provided a parallel canon for the Digambara tradition.
Kundakunda - Wikipedia
Raghuraj Pratap Singh aka Raja Bhaiyya, an Independent legislator from Kunda, on Friday announced the formation of a new political party in Uttar Pradesh, which will contest the next Lok Sabha polls.
kunda – Wikislovník
kunda etymologieOct 14, 2019 · kunda f vagina, cunt bird (attractive woman, object of sexual attraction) Declension
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Etymologie jednoho nepěkného českého slova — PSK
In ZOROASTRIANISM, the DEMON of drunkenness. Kunda becomes drunk without drinking. He also is associated with helping wizards in their magic